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The Lord Is My Portion Says My Soul

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I have hope in Him.’ The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him”

Lamentations 3:22-25

Dear beloved child of God, is your soul saying “The Lord is my portion” right now?

Is your inner most being, the new creation that Jesus Christ has made you to be, saying with recognition, humility, and gratitude “The Lord is my portion?”

My point is this, it is one thing for us to confess with our mouths that the Lord is our portion, and it is quite another thing, a deeper inner-core of our essence of being thing, for our soul to say “The Lord is my portion.”

If only our mouth says “the Lord is my portion,” then this could easily be no more than lip service with the result being that we are saying the truth, and we might be believing this truth, but we aren’t feeding on and connecting with this truth, so that this truth might indeed revitalize our lives in Christ.

However, O priest of God, when you go to your inner chamber, the temple of God within you, and as a minister to your Lord you confess in the presence of God that “the Lord is my portion,” and you remain in His presence, actually receiving your portion of and from the Lord, then this is the confession of your soul and your mouth which truly leads to life abundant and actual in Jesus Christ.

Yes, “The Lord is my portion” and we really know this because so “says my soul.” Our inner most being, our soul, cries out “Abba Father” with thankfulness, understanding, and joy – because the Lord truly is our portion, and our desire truly is for Him.

Bless your soul today, beloved, by giving your soul the opportunity to confess, before God in His presence, that “the Lord is my portions.” You will be glad you did! Hallelujah!

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