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Living In The Blessed Shadow Of The Almighty

Today’s Word of Encouragement from Wayne:

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the almighty" Psalm 91: 1

I thank our Lord Jesus Christ, our High Priest, that He "loves us and released us from our sins by His blood - and He has made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father" (Revelation 1: 5-6), for in the practice of our priesthood, we are blessed to dwell "in the shelter of the Most High" and therefore be further blessed to "abide in the shadow of the almighty." A simpler way of saying this is: The more we minister to God in His presence (In His shelter), the more aware we are blessed to be of His ever nearness, protection, and power over our lives (the shadow of the almighty).

To be in God’s shadow is to be as near as you can be to Him, nearer than you are to your own shadow. Knowing that we are truly abiding in the shadow of the almighty is the great benefit we receive for our blessed service as priests to God in His presence. The more time we spend before God in His presence, ministering joyfully before Him, the more of an imprint His presence and Lordship stamp on our new hearts and minds as we live throughout our day.

By spending actual time in God’s shelter within us, our inner room, the inner court, the temple of the Holy Spirit with us, where Christ dwells, we are supremely blessed to live in the ever awareness of God’s protective and always refreshing shadow presence over us as we go through our day. Not in bondage to this world, or ourselves, but truly free in Jesus Christ - in this world but not of it. Being the best we can be with God’s grace in this world without having to ever take our eyes off of Jesus or feel apart from God.

Oh yes, thank You Lord for giving us the key, in Jesus Christ, so that we ourselves might know, taste and see, that "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the almighty." Hallelujah!

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