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You Are With Me

Today’s Word of Encouragement from Wayne:

You Are With Me

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me"

Psalm 23:4

Whenever we minister to the Lord, we affirm the truth that "You are with me." Otherwise we would not be ministering to God at all, would we? There would be no purpose if there was no temple of the Holy Spirit within, no presence of God, no inner court ministry. You see, every time we praise God, as priests to our Lord under His New Covenant (Revelation 1: 5-6), we affirm and strengthen our own spirit and mind in this essential truth of our Christian faith: "You are with me."

Do you want to be stronger in your own awareness of God’s presence? Then minister to your lord on a regular basis, as we have seen that David did; with love, joy, humility, gratitude, and affection, and you will soon be declaring, as David did, "I fear no evil, for You are with me." Ministering to the Lord allows the kingdom of God to become more real, and reasonable, to us than the kingdom of this world. The more time we spend in God’s presence, the less time fear can assault us. Time away from God always gives the world a greater opportunity to bring us down, misdirect us, and amplify fear.

Ministering to the Lord always keeps the lighthouse beacon of God’s Person, Purpose, and Presence ever before us, shining brightly within our temple, continually directing us in all our ways to Him, Himself, from Whom all good things come. Why should we ever fear evil when we are being offered this most blessed alternative of actually being with our Lord and knowing "You are with me?" Yes, I bless You Lord and I thank You right now, "for You are with me." Hallelujah!

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