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All The "Better For Us"

Today's Word of Encouragement from Wayne:

All The "Better For Us"

"The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind, ‘You are a priest forever’; so much the more also Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant"

Hebrews 7:21-22

Why is the New Covenant "better" than the Old Covenant? Here are some of the things, which the writer of Hebrews declares, concerning our Christian New Covenant, that are far "better" for us than the Old Covenant ever was or could be, all because of our "forever" High Priest, Jesus Christ and His precious New Covenant blood. Because of our "better covenant" (7:22, 8:6), we have been blessed with "a better hope" (7:19), based upon "better promises" (8:6), because of "a better sacrifice" (11:4, 9:23), so we have been given "a better possession and a lasting one" (10:34), "a better country" (11:16), and "a better resurrection" (11:35), all of which is "better for us" (11:40).

Read, study, and absorb the truth of the New Covenant given to us in and through Jesus Christ, not only in the book of Hebrews but throughout the entire "New Testament." The Random House Dictionary defines "testament" this way: "1. Law. A will, especially one that relates the disposition of one’s personal property. 2. A covenant, especially between God and man." The New Testament is God’s new law, His new will, His New Covenant that is "better for us." Amen!

Minister to your High Priest Jesus Christ with praise and gratitude today, and open your spiritual eyes fully so that the New Testament becomes the New Covenant to you in every way. After all, it’s "Better for us;" for you, for me, for God’s church, and for this world. Hallelujah!

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