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Rest On All Sides In God’s Peace

Today's Word of Encouragement from Wayne:

Rest On All Sides In God’s Peace

"So the kingdom of Jehoshaphat was at peace, for His God gave him rest on all sides"

2 Chronicles 20:30

Let God give you rest on all sides of your life today. First God gave Jehoshaphat the victory, through praise, and then God gave Jehoshaphat peace. Thank You Jesus that You have done the same for us. First You won the victory at Calvary and the empty tomb and, in Your victory, You have given us peace, Your peace, the peace of Your Self. Thank You Lord that You are risen in victory and that Your victory dwells in us even as You dwell in us! My brothers and sisters, the peace that Jesus Christ gives us in Himself is Himself, just as He said, "that in Me you might have peace" (John 16:33) and as Paul wrote in Ephesians, "He Himself is our peace" (2:14).

God’s peace is in our innermost being, in our center. "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts" (Colossians 3:15) and, in doing so, God’s peace begins to spread out, from our center, to give us rest on all sides. Because we have the peace of Christ on the inside, therefore God gives us rest on all sides. Let’s not forget this amazingly gracious gift. There’s no true rest for us without true peace being and living within us. Minister to God today, gratefully, in your inner temple, in your center, and thank Him specifically for His victory, His peace, and His rest. The more you exalt God for these things, the more these things can bless you, empower you, and truly give you "rest on all sides." Hallelujah!

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