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You Have Become A Dwelling Of God In The Spirit

Today's Word of Encouragment from Wayne:


"Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit"

Ephesians 2:20-22

Praise God, ministering to the Lord is a good fit, a perfect fit for you. See how perfectly God fits you together with Himself in His presence as you worship. Let God reveal to you that He sees you as a growing and living temple in your Lord. You are a loved, blood washed child of God, part of a kingdom of priests to your God (Revelation 1:5-6).

Every time you minister to the Lord, coming "before His presence with thanksgiving" (Psalm 95:2), you are "being fitted together," more and more, as a living stone into your God, "into a holy temple in the Lord, a dwelling of God in the Spirit." God fits you right into Himself when you minister to Him in His presence. Truly, God desires to fit us all together, as "living stones" (1 Peter 2:5), so we may all, the entire body of Christ, grow together and become fitted together, "growing into a holy temple in the Lord."

That’s why practicing your priesthood, "ministering to the Lord" (acts 13:2), not only blesses your Lord and fills you with God’s Holy Presence, but you are actually setting a holy example for all Christians by taking your place as a living stone in this growing temple, "a dwelling of God in the Spirit." Step into God’s presence, minister to your loving Lord, and allow yourself to experience the blessing of "being fitted together" with Him today. Hallelujah!

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