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Merciful And Faithful

Today's Word of Encouragement from Wayne:

"Therefore, He had to be made like His brethren in all things, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God"

Hebrews 2:17

Thank You Lord! It is amazing to see the depth of our Savior’s love for us in his becoming like us "in all things" so He might be "merciful and faithful" to God on our behalf. Jesus Christ, our High Priest, in love chose to live as us amongst us so that, in addition to being "faithful" to God, He would be "merciful" towards us. This is what our priesthood is intended to produce in us as we minister to God; faithfulness to our Lord and mercy towards people.

This is a special quality specifically produced in us when we say yes to being a "kingdom and priests to our God" (Revelation 5:10). We faithfully minister to the Lord in His presence and then we mercifully minister to people in this world. This is what a priest unto God does, because this is the nature of Jesus Christ, our High Priest. Therefore this is our nature as well, as a priest unto God. Jesus did not live amongst us in order to judge us, unmercifully, although He certainly could have, if He chose to. Instead our Savior chose to live amongst us so that He may love us even more and become merciful towards us. Jesus your High priest is mercy-full right now towards you and in you.

See this as you minister to Him in His presence and His merciful outlook on humanity will become your outlook as well. Being merciful is much better than being judgmental. Mercy is better for your heart, your mind, your spirit, and your walk with God. Thank you Lord Jesus, our "merciful and faithful" High Priest. Hallelujah!

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