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Ministering To The Lord Is A First Ministry

Today’s Word of Encouragement from Wayne:

"While they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them’"

Acts 13:2

Ministering to the Lord is my first ministry and it is such a total joy to say so. To willingly accept, rejoice in, and practice this priesthood, realizing that it is in His Presence that our own fullness of joy resides (Acts 2:28), is always a humbling blessing. It is a blessing to come and bless His Holy Name, before anything else, knowing that it is in His Presence, as we minister to Him, because we are a kingdom of priests to Him (Relation 1:6), that His Holy Spirit is powerfully enabled to speak to our hearts with clarity and direction.

Hallelujah! I am a minister unto the Lord, therefore I minister to my Lord. So simple. So beautiful. So complete. Especially because I am a minister of the Gospel, it is even more important for me to acknowledge ministering to the Lord as my first ministry. How can I give people a real, quickened, word of life in Jesus Christ unless I am first ministering unto my gracious Lord in His Presence? For it is here, in His Presence as I minister to Him, that His Word becomes life to me, blessing me, so that I then may go forth, in the power of His anointing, with His Holy Spirit wind under my wings so to speak, into the "outer court" of this world.

We have all been invited, indeed called, to enter the blessing of ministering to our Lord first, being filled with Himself, even as we pour out ourselves in adoration in His presence, so we may go forth into this world with His fullness of joy, His constant Presence, and His Holy direction vibrantly within us. Hallelujah!

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