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Say To The Lord, "My God, In whom I trust!"

Today's Word of Encouragement from Wayne:

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the almighty. I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!"

Psalm 91:1-2

I’ve been sharing for the past three days about the great and effectual blessing in our lives that we receive when we enter "the shelter of the Most High" to minister to our Lord and confess, in His presence, Who God is to us. Praise God! He is our refuge. He is our fortress. He is "My God." Bless the name of the Lord! The more we confess these truths, the more we align and confirm our innermost beings with God’s divine truth concerning Himself.

What a blessing to enter God’s presence as His priest. What a blessing to be with our God and confess, in His presence, Who He is to us. What a blessing to be built up in the very truths we confess about our Lord in His presence. This is how God strengthens us in our praises to Him. But the ultimate confession, after extolling your loving Lord’s marvelous attributes before Him in His presence, the confession that truly blesses God, is when you say, "My God, in whom I trust."

Yes, bless your Lord for Who He is, and then tell your loving Abba Father that you trust Him! Yes Lord, "I trust You completely. You are so good to me, better than I even know. Oh God, I love You. You are my life. I trust You." Yes, then truly TRUST God, and receive the constant flow of peace, grace, and joy that are fully yours as you fully trust God with your life. Today, say to the Lord, "My God, in whom I trust," and let the peace of Christ joyfully reign in your heart, the peace that comes from being at rest with the One Whom you trust. Hallelujah!

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