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Say To The Lord, "My fortress"

Today's Word of Encouragement from Wayne:

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the almighty. I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress"

Psalm 91:1-2

Bless the Lord God that He is a fortress to us. Confess this to God in His presence. Say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress." God is a refuge of rest and peace for us. God is also a fortress of defense and strength for us. Confess to God in His presence that He is your fortress. The more you do this, the more you strengthen yourself in God, Who truly is your fortress. The more you confess to God that He is your fortress, the more you are blessed to see God IS a fortress to you.

Anyone can say "God is my fortress." But if you really want Him, in actual real time, in the life you are living today, to be your true and effectual fortress, then enter His presence to minister to Him, and declare Who God is to you, as often as you can, for in His presence, "in the shelter of the Most High," is where you confess, and see, and know, that God is your fortress. Say to the Lord, "My fortress." Hallelujah!

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