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David Was Dancing Before The Lord

Today's Word of Encouragement from Wayne:

"David was dancing before the Lord with all his might, and David was wearing a linen ephod. So David and all the house of Israel were bringing up the ark of the Lord with shouting and the sound of the trumpet"

2 Samuel 6: 14-15

This is the account of the ark of the covenant being brought into Jerusalem, and David was leading as a minister to the Lord, not as a king of Israel. "David was wearing a linen ephod," which was a priest’s most simple garment, meaning this was the identity David chose to display before the people of Israel. David could have come with all the pomp of kingship, but David came as a humble minister to the lord, showing Israel Who the True King of his life was. In David’s mind and heart, he "was dancing before the Lord," meaning that David was beholding the Lord, and not the scene around him.

When we minister to the Lord, we are blessed to enter God’s presence where it is all about our Lord, Who He is, His glory, and ourselves only as dedicated priests in His presence. What a beautiful picture this was of how David loved God and had God first in his life. He wasn’t even thinking about how he looked to people because David was looking at God. He was beholding the Lord and he saw himself in God’s sight as he danced in exultation as a priest in His presence, rejoicing in and desiring to please His Lord.

This is the true leadership model the body of Christ so needs today, people who will wear their identity as priests and their devotion to Christ first, before the whole body of Christ. This is true kingship manifestation, when God’s people see themselves first in relation to Him, our King, with His sovereignty over us and our blessed yielded priestly discipleship to Him, so that Jesus may be strongly known amongst His own and proclaimed to this world. In your heart today, be clothed with a simple linen ephod and let your true identity come forth, as a beloved child of God in Jesus’ name ministering (and dancing) as a priest to your Lord in His blessed presence. Hallelujah!

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