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Today's Word of Encouragement from Wayne

"But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you"

Matthew 6:6

God rewards us when we go into our "inner room" to pray to our "Father who is in secret." Our reward is immediate, far ranging, and lasts forever. Being in God’s presence is our reward.

We are blessed to be with Him, in His presence, and being with Him steadily changes us into His image. Old things pass away and new things come when we are in His presence. Abundant life is in His presence. Joy unspeakable and full of glory, and the peace that passes understanding are in His presence.

God Himself is the Source of all these blessings. When you regularly meet with "your Father who is in secret," you are with the Fountainhead of all blessings. He sees you, is honored by your devotion, love and obedience and He delights to "reward you." Of course every time a prayer is answered that is also a beautiful reward, for time well spent in the presence of your Abba Father. "In His presence is fullness of joy" (Psalm 16:11).

God rewards us with what we truly need, which is more of He, Himself. Spending time in and developing an awareness of the presence of God changes everything for us. Our outlook and our in-look on life become permeated with the presence of God. A greater awareness of God, wisdom for life, love for God’s word, an ever increasing continual sensing of His presence within you; these are all rewards directly as a result of your interior fellowship in the presence of God with "your Father who is in secret."

It is just as our Savior declares at the close of the Bible, in the last chapter of the Book of Revelation, where he states, "Behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with Me" (Revelation 22:12). I encourage you to gratefully, joyfully, and frequently meet with "your Father who is in secret" so you can receive and be transformed by the "with Me" reward. "My reward is with Me." The scales truly do fall from our eyes when we see, receive, understand, and are transformed by "My reward is with Me."

Our reward is being with Him, in His presence, and being filled with Him, our Savior, Lord, High Priest, and indwelling Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Receive your reward today without delay. Hallelujah!

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