Subscribing to the daily podcast will automatically download the each day's Let's Talk About Jesus broadcast to iTunes or any RSS Reader. There are also iPhone and Android applications that receive podcasts. Search for them in the app store using your tablet or smartphone.
Subscribing To Let's Talk About Jesus Podcasts With iTunes:
Open the ITunes application on your computer
Make sure the menu bar is enabled. Click the icon in the far upper left corner of the ITunes window and select "Show Menu Bar" if necessary.
Click "File"
Select "Subscribe To Podcast"
Copy & paste or manually enter: https://www.letstalkaboutjesus.com/radio/podcast.xml
Find new episodes each day in the "Podcasts" tab
Other RSS Reader Programs:
Copy & paste or manually enter: https://www.letstalkaboutjesus.com/radio/podcast.xml into your RSS Reader as a source
Each day's broadcast will be downloaded to the location specified in the settings of your RSS Reader