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Behold Your New Year

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come”

2 Corinthians 5:17

A happy, blessed, and anointed in Christ our Lord new year to you!

I have a great suggestion for a new year’s resolution for you. This year, beginning today, determine to “behold” who you are in Christ (“a new creature”) and what you have in Christ (“new things”).

Do you see that Paul inserted the word “behold” exactly between “the old things passed away” on the one hand and “new things have come” on the other hand? So, what did Paul urge us to behold? The old things? No, of course not. He wrote “behold, new things have come.”

It is not enough for us to know that new things have come. We must behold our new things, with joy, determination, grace, and gratitude.

The best way for you to avoid being dragged down in the old things, or the old you, is for you to remember and practice this word, “behold.” Yes, behold your new things that have come to you in Christ. Behold them now. Behold and fix your eyes upon Jesus, your Savior, Who has made you a new creature in Himself. Behold Him and you will have no problem beholding your “new things.”

Behold this new year as a new creature graciously filled with new things, in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah!

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