Seeing Your New Things
Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come”
2 Corinthians 5:17
Being a “new creature” in Jesus Christ is the way in which we are able to see and receive the “new things” that “have come” to us.
As an old creation, all I could see was the old me, unsaved, unrepentant, and suffering in the darkness of this dark, dark world. However, as a new creation I am now blessed with the Holy Spirit within so that I may see the new me; the new me in Jesus Christ, loved, forgiven, saved, filled, and blessed.
Your new self loves God all of the time! Your new self lets you see your “new things’ all the time. Thank God for this. Don’t doubt or discount this. This is why the Bible tells us to “be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on your new self” (Ephesians 4: 23-24). When we actively walk in our new mind and our new self, that’s when we see the “new things.”
Practice seeing your new self with gratitude and joy. Yes put on those new eyes in order to clearly see your “new things.”
In this new year, may you gloriously see your new self and your “new things” in Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!
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