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Jesus Our High Priest Of Our Priesthood

Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

Jesus Our High Priest Of Our Priesthood

“For it was fitting for us to have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens”

Hebrews 7:26

God invites us and desires us to know our High Priest, intimately and in detail. God wants all Christians to know that, in fact, we do have a High Priest, our Savior Jesus Christ. It is “fitting for us to have such a high priest.”

Our High Priest is “exalted above the heavens.” Everyone and everything in heaven exalts Jesus Christ, High Priest of the body of Christ.

We became, at the moment of our new birth, a member, a priest, in His Own kingdom of priests, dedicated to God our Father. “He has made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father” (Revelation 1:6).

Let us exalt Him today. Let us step into His presence, as priests to our High Priest, “ministering to the Lord” (Acts 13:2), and let us be transformed by our High Priest Who is “holy, innocent, and undefiled.”

Let these qualities of your High Priest influence and change you more and more into His image as you, with awareness, humility, and gratitude, enter His presence to minister to the Lord.

When we minister to the Lord we also, especially at this time, are “separated from sinners” and we enter a state of worship that sees our High Priest “exalted above the heavens.”

Ministering to the Lord is a spiritual reality for God’s kingdom of priests that is not of this world. The continual practice of His presence provides a lifting up as we step within. We enter “the divine worship” (Hebrews 9:6) with our High Priest as we minister to God.

In His presence, all of the attributes of our High Priest are present and available for us to behold and, therefore, to be transformed by, each day, as we grow into His Own image.

O thank You Lord for blessing us with “such a high priest.” Hallelujah!

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