Ministering To The Lord Fulfills Prophecy
Today’s Word Of Encouragement From Wayne:

“As the host of heaven can not be counted and the sand of the sea can not be measured, so I will multiply the descendants of David My servant and the Levites who minister to Me”
Jeremiah 33:22
The prophet Jeremiah echoed the “word of the oath” that we have looked at in Hebrews (Hebrews 7:28, 6: 17-18), which was originally given in Psalm 110 regarding Messiah being both “Lord” (Vs 1) and “priest forever” (Vs 4). This is Jesus Christ, Who presently is our risen King and High Priest.
This word of prophecy from Jeremiah, I believe, finds its fulfillment today in you and I. Indeed, the entire body of Christ represents this great word. We are the descendants of David through faith, because Christ our Lord, Who has given us new life in Himself, is Himself a descendant of David (see Matthew 1: 6).
We are also God’s new priesthood in this day “who minister to Me,” as our Lord said in this text from Jeremiah (See Acts 13:2, 1st Peter 2: 5-9, Revelation 1: 5-6).
Let us joyfully receive this blessing, of being a minister to our Lord today, and let us praise God that He has graciously created us anew in Jesus Christ, that we ourselves might be a part of this fulfilled prophecy, to serve Him and to minister to Him as priests. Bless His holy name!
Yes, give thanks to God in His presence. Hallelujah!
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